A. Escolta El Pasqualet

28-logo_cau_colorThe Pasqualet Scouts Group is an organization dedicated to education and leisure that is attached to Escoltes Catalans, Association of following the ideology: secularism, Catalan and mountaineering.

Born in 1998, the campsite The Pasqualet Caldes, even where most of its activity takes place. Our regular hours are from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., but also do day trips, weekend or camps more than five days.

We are divided by age: Follets (6-8 years), Llops (9-11 years), Raiers (12-14 years), Pioners (15-17 years) and Claners (18 anys). Each stage has its own objectives and pedagogically is Claners where they are prepared to be “caps”, since the next year be passed.

All this, surrounded by songs, games, workshops, camping, acampades, conferences, summits, cruises and lots of smiles.