Camping area for groups of over 25 people who have need for cooking and enough space for their activities. It has porch, own kitchen and toilet and shower services.
Special prices for esplais groupings and during the weekends from October to May!
- Ground floor
- Grass floor
- Plot with water
- Electricity 4A
- Electricity 6A
- Possibility to rent kitchen
- Own sinks
- Shadow
- Tables and chairs


Booking conditions
Reservations can be made in person, by phone or through the reservation application form, anticipating 30% of the amount of the stay by bank transfer or credit card. The amount received is deducted from the total amount of the reservation. The remaining amount of the stay will be paid upon arrival and a deposit of 60 € (in the case of bungalows and mobile homes) which will be returned upon departure if the property is in the same condition and cleaning at the time of arrival. The accommodation may be occupied on the day of arrival from 15.00 h and will have to vacate the scheduled departure day before 12.00 in the morning. In case of cancellation must be informed camping with a minimum of 15 days. If you cancel the reservation less advance repayment of the advance payment will be made. Once you have completed the booking, the direction of the camp Pasqualet agrees to book the number of seats requested, although the exact location of the seats can not be guaranteed. The book gives only right to occupy an indeterminate place and gives no other privilege.